Over 14 Million Student Service Hours Managed Through x2VOL from intelliVOL; Official Service Transcript Verifies Hours for National Honor Society, Scholarships and College Applications
Life Without x2VOL is a “Big Mess of Paper”

This spring, high schools across the country will perform their induction ceremony recognizing new members of the National Honor Society (NHS). When these students walk down the graduation aisle with gold cords adorning their gowns, schools using x2VOL will be able to hand them an Official Service Transcript of the hours they have given in community service during high school. These official transcripts are valid for scholarship and college applications. Click to Tweet.
x2VOL – a digital system for scheduling, tracking, and reporting student service learning hours in schools – is the only tracking system that produces the Official Service Transcript and it is the most widely used system in U.S. high schools and middle schools. Today intelliVOL, developer of x2VOL, reported that the company had reached a significant milestone of tracking over 14 million approved service hours, and many of those hours have been logged by NHS members seeking to earn their gold cords.
Jeff Schroeder, is a teacher at Westside High School in Houston Independent School District, one of the many schools using x2VOL to manage the astounding number of hours NHS students give to local charities in their own schools and communities.
The process to track, manage, and report service hours in a school without x2VOL isn’t very pretty. “I would be getting slips of paper all the time, every day, where students had some sort of signature verifying their service hours for different activities,” said Schroeder. “I’d hand all those papers to one of the NHS leaders, and they’d put the information into a database.” It was a “big mess of paper,” he added.
“x2VOL grew out of my own need to serve the community,” said Michele Pitman, founder and CEO of intelliVOL. “Schools need a verifiable, trackable process to ensure student hours are valid and confirmed by the organization where students do their work. With an Official Service Transcript generated in x2VOL, service hours are verified and tracked not only for requirements of the NHS, but also for college or scholarship applications.”
The 14+ million approved hours x2VOL has already logged represents 1.75 million eight-hour work days. “x2VOL has organized a lot of ‘work days’ which have benefitted many people including children and seniors from around the world,” added Pitman.
The Official Service Transcript includes total hours claimed, approved, and verified as well as details about when and where the service was performed and students’ reflections. When logging every service opportunity, students must report details about what they did and the impact of their service. Making reflections a requirement turns service into a meaningful learning opportunity and takes service beyond merely reporting a number. These reflections and details are also included on the Official Service Transcript.
Learn more about x2VOL and schools that facilitate service learning and community service at x2VOL.com.
About intelliVOL
x2VOL by intelliVOL is an award-winning tracking and reporting platform for student service hours used by private and public schools and districts nationwide to customize service goals, centralize service hours and provide diverse service opportunities. x2VOL provides students with an online and mobile way to track and report service hours specific to the goals of their school while engaging them with local non-profits. Service records are authenticated and verified for each student and can be attached to their college applications, scholarship applications or resumes. x2VOL is the most widely used service tracking and reporting platform in K-12 education with over 14 million approved service hours. Learn more at intelliVOL.com or email info@intelliVOL.com.
Tweet: Official Service Transcript for @NHS_NJHS now available from @x2VOL x2vol.com #NationalHonorSocietyInduction #education
Summary: x2VOL from intelliVOL reports 14+ million student service hours logged on its platform. Official Service Transcript validates community service by high school students
Tags: x2VOL, intelliVOL, NHS, National Honor Society, community service, service learning, official service transcript, verified service hours, high school, student, education