ORIGO Education Presents Creating a Supportive Environment for Problem Solving in the Math Classroom, a Free Webinar on February 7 at 4:00 p.m. EST on edWeb.net

Sara Delano Moore, nationally renowned educator and speaker will present the second webinar in a two-part series

ST. CHARLES, Mo. – Mathematics requires the ability to effectively problem solve. Finding the right balance between challenging students with math problems versus frustrating students is important for developing critical problem-solving skills. ORIGO Education tackles the topic head on during a two-part edWebinar series called What’s the Problem? The series focuses on two key areas: part one, Finding the Right Problem to Challenge Students and part two, Creating a Supportive Environment for Problem Solving in the Math Classroom.

Sara Delano Moore, a contributing author to Visible Learning for MathematicsTM, walks educators through the fundamentals of choosing tasks of the right difficulty and complexity based on students’ needs and classroom dynamics. In the first edWebinar, Finding the Right Math Problem to Challenge Students, which aired Wednesday, January 17, 2018 on edWeb.net, Moore explored, among many topics, problem-solving strategies that allow teachers to sequence problems for maximum student growth and understanding. 

“Teaching problem-solving skills to students is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but instead, it’s an understanding about how to customize and develop approaches to provide effective problem-solving instruction in the classroom,” states Moore.

The second in the What’s the Problem? two-part series will be presented on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. EST. During the live edWebinar, Moore will continue the topic with Creating a Supportive Environment for Problem Solving in the Math Classroom. Among the discussion, educators will learn strategies for how to group students in math problem-solving lessons in the classroom.

  • Sign up here for the edWebinar on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 from 4-5 p.m. EST, Creating a Supportive Environment for Problem Solving in the Math Classroom
  • Go here to watch the free recording from the January 17, 2018 edWebinar, Finding the Right Math Problem to Challenge Students

ORIGO Education’s Mathematics for Young Learners is a professional learning community about mathematics hosted on edWeb.net. Educators may join to watch previously recorded sessions and receive notifications about upcoming edWebinars. In addition to edWebinars, the Mathematics for Young Learners community offers free videos on ORIGO One.

Educators can earn CE certificates from edWeb for participating in live sessions and can take CE quizzes to earn certificates for watching recordings.

About ORIGO Education
ORIGO Education makes mathematics meaningful, enjoyable, and accessible for all PreK-6 grade students. ORIGO produces printed products, digital interactive resources, and professional learning. ORIGO’s web-based and print solution, Stepping Stones, is an award-winning, comprehensive mathematics program for grades PreK–6 and is available in English and Spanish, ORIGO produces free animated Math Minutes to explain critical concepts in mathematics education. For more information about ORIGO Education, visit ORIGOEducation.com. @ORIGOmath #ORIGO #ORIGOLearns

About edWeb.net
edWeb.net is a free professional learning network that is a highly engaged community of connected educators who are on the leading edge of innovation in education. edWeb members are teachers, faculty, administrators, and librarians at PreK-12 and post-secondary institutions who are working together to provide peer leadership, training, and support. Educators are creating their own communities on edWeb, participating in edWeb's professional learning communities, and earning CE certificates through edWebinar programs. edWeb's growing ecosystem is a collaboration space where educators and thought leaders in the education industry gather and share ideas that can improve learning for all students. Learn more at www.edweb.net or follow edWeb.net on Twitter @edwebnet.


Media Contact: Jennifer Harrison for ORIGO, 916-716-0636 or jennifer@jharrisonpr.com

Tags: ORIGO, education, math, edWeb, problem solving, problem solving strategies, mathematics, teacher training, K12, preK, Stepping Stones

Tweet: Free webinar on creating a supportive #problem solving math classroom. @edWebnet #math https://home.edweb.net/webinar/mathlearners20180207/ @ORIGOmath #edchat

Summary:  ORIGO Education sponsors edWeb.net community Mathematics for Young Learners targeted for PreK-6 grade mathematic instructors. Free webinar on February 7 at 4 p.m. EST titled What’s the Problem? Creating a Supportive Environment for Problem Solving in the Math Classroom.


Jennifer Harrison

J Harrison Public Relations Group

Jennifer Harrison

J Harrison Public Relations Group

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